إقصاء ملف التعريف
Raw materials: Aluminum rod
Raw materials: Aluminum rod
Raw materials: Aluminum rod
Aluminum Rod Heating
Aluminum Rod Heating
Aluminum Rod Heating
If the temperature is too high or too low, it will directly affect the hardness of the finished product, so the temperature must be strictly controlled in the heating and cooling process
Mold Design
Mold Design
Mold Design
Aluminum profiles are the end products of aluminum rods heated through the die extrusion molding, and the die is an appliance with high precision specifications designed according to the demand, which is used to extrude the required specifications and sections of the profile products
Aluminum extrusion
Aluminum extrusion
Aluminum extrusion
For extrusion production, extrusion temperature is the basic and key process factor. The extrusion speed must be carefully controlled during the extrusion process
Industrial Aluminum Profile Straightening Correction
Industrial Aluminum Profile Straightening Correction
Industrial Aluminum Profile Straightening Correction
There will be a certain deviation after the extrusion of industrial aluminum profiles, and after the molding, the straightening machine should be used for straightening correction. The straightening machine must be used to correct the industrial aluminum profile to the required tolerance range to ensure its accuracy
Artificial Aging
Artificial Aging
Artificial Aging
Extrusion production of aluminum, without the low hardness before aging, can not be used as a finished product, therefore, in general, must be aging to improve the strength
sandblasting + oxidation treatment process
sandblasting + oxidation treatment process
sandblasting + oxidation treatment process
After the extrusion of industrial aluminum profiles, the surface will have obvious stretch lines, and the surface micropores are large and relatively rough, which must be sandblasted
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